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The Element of Fire

The topics is this section tend to raise the element of Fire in the souls of many Pagans.  If you spend much time at all at Pagan festivals, on Pagan e-mail groups, or even reading Pagan literature, you’ll find that we are a passionate people. 

Wikipedia, a free on-line encyclopedia, has a specific entry for Pagan Activism.  It states “Pagan activism is activism that arises from a person’s pagan religious beliefs, often including activism on political issues related to environmentalism, feminism, LGBT rights, pacifism, and religious freedom.  Many neopagan activists combine direct action with magic in the pursuit of various social and political goals.”

As you read through I hope you recognize areas that raise fire in your soul.  Keep in mind that even if you are a completely closeted Pagan — you can still be active for your cause!  For example, no one else must know that your passion for animal rights is fueled by your religious beliefs.  Even activism involving Pagan religious freedoms can be achieved through less-visible support if that’s best for you at this point.

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